Social media

I have a love/hate relationship with social media. It's fun to see what friends and family are up to, see inspiring pictures or quotes, and stay in touch with messages and comments. It's not fun to see the culture of consumerism and comparison or the toll it takes on everyone involved. I liked when moms took pictures of their kids just how they were and saved them for the family scrapbook. They didn't dress them up like models or make sure they had to be in every picture to show off what a good mother they are. I get nostalgic thinking about when people used to write letters to each other or call over the cord phone to stay in touch with family and friends. They talked about their lives, their struggles and their joys. I think people miss having that real sense of connection.

I think a little bit of social media is fine, but I'm home alone doing online school most of my days. I get bored and a little lonely, so I scroll and scroll and then two hours later I refresh and again two hours later I refresh and repeat. I feel like I'm stuck in this cycle. I don't really find joy in the time I spend on it, but I find myself doing it daily. It's such a time waster! I wish I'd just read a book, go outside, call a friend, try a recipe, doodle something... but I don't. I've been wanting to delete my accounts for a while, but I talk myself out of it every time. My thoughts go a little like this... "Oh but you need it for missionary work." "I know our family in AZ likes seeing when we post." "I don't want to miss out on the family page and miss announcements." "What if long lost people in my life can never find me?" "What if my friends don't keep me in the loop because they only use social media?"

But then I remember if people really care about me, they'll find my number and call or text me. I can use a blog to keep far away relatives in the loop. I can share the gospel in person and better through one on one messages any day. So I think I'm going to bite the bullet this week and delete the accounts. Wish me luck!

This quote sums it up for me. I'm not sure who created the content, but it's from Pinterest. So the credit goes to them. I hope you all have a lovely day!
