Whew. Life has been busy. Life has so many roles to fill and so many to do's to get done. It has so much laughter to be had and memories to be made. I've been busy mothering, being a wife, a homemaker, and a student. The world's been in upheaval and chaos. Fires, floods, pandemics, injustice and riots. I have lots of thoughts about these things but I'll try to get to that in another post soon. I want to give more of a life update for now.
-We had Al's baby blessing and it was beautiful! I'm so thankful for the Priesthood and the access we have to God's voice and blessings.
-We visited our family and friends in UT and it was so nice! We stopped at some pink coral sand dunes and Horseshoe bend along the way.
-I planted some flowers and did all my yardwork. Then I neglected it all and it went wild, but this week I took the time to care for it.
-I like sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair and going for walks around the park.
-I'm taking 3 classes this semester. Infant and Toddler Development, Family Theories and Dynamics, and an institute class about the Book of Mormon. For those who don't know, I have an intense love hate relationship with school. I love what I'm learning, especially the things about families, but I don't like assignments that feel like busywork or jumping through hoops. I'm not someone who can usually do things halfway. I usually put in a lot of effort. So my assignments take me a looooong time.
-Our oven's been broken all of June and we finally got it fixed so that was nice.
-I've been trying to exercise more. I really like the workouts from the YouTube channel Nourish Move Love.
Like I said, life is busy. But it's so good. I'm so thankful for all the little moments and the simple things. There's lots of other things that have happened since March, but we'll keep this post on the shorter and sweeter side.
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