
Being a mom has been one of the hardest things I've ever done and one of the best. I've always believed women and mothers are pretty amazing, but I really had no idea just how amazing until I had Alan. I knew bearing and raising a child would be a huge lifestyle change but I don't think I had a clue how much of a sacrifice it really is. It's one thing to observe women mothering or read about it, but it's a completely different thing to do it. It takes such a selfless and patient and loving person to be a mother. It's hard, but it's so beautiful as well. Mothering is hard work. It's the work of Christ, and I'm so thankful He works alongside me.

These words of a hymn describe Christ's sacrifice in our behalf, "Bruised, broken, torn for us..." His suffering and Atonement bring us life. While nothing compares to the sacrifice of Christ, the spirit whispered something to me today. I was bruised, broken and torn as I brought my son into the world, as I gave him life. And the Savior is thankful for my sacrifice. Elder Holland makes some great connections between mothers and the Savior, I'll link his talk and some other good ones at the end of the post (Behold Thy Mother, 2015). 

I'm learning a lot about the character of Christ as I take on this new role as a mom. It's stretching and so fulfilling. Elder Eyring said this regarding motherhood, "It will take an even more loving heart than you needed earlier. It will take faith in Jesus Christ beyond what has ever before been in your heart. And it will take a capacity to pray for the influence, direction, and comfort of the Holy Ghost beyond what you may have felt was even possible" (Covenant Women). I'm already finding this to be all too true. I'm so thankful to have the restored gospel, that not only helps me as an individual, but that helps me in my role as a wife and as a mother. 

To my young married friends, please don't wait too long before trying to have children. In the hospital Bryce gave me a priesthood blessing that mentioned being an advocate for children. And it reminded me of something that's been on my mind a lot lately. "President Ezra Taft Benson taught that young couples should not postpone having children and that “in the eternal perspective, children—not possessions, not position, not prestige—are our greatest jewels." (Mothers Who Know). There may be lots of fears or reasons to postpone having kiddos, but have faith. It's a great sacrifice, but a sacrifice that's so worth making. Be very prayerful about when to start your family and put the Lord's will above your own (Children).

For those who have tried/are trying to have children and it's just breaking your heart when it's not happening, remember that, "Families are built on the Lord's timetable." (This is also a good reminder for single friends searching for a companion.) Something else from Elder Eyring that I love is this, "You cannot know when, or for what length of time, your personal mission will be focused on service in calls such as mother, leader, or ministering sister. The Lord, out of love, does not leave us the choice of the timing, duration, or sequence of our assignments. Yet you know from scripture and living prophets that all of these assignments will come, either in this life or in the next, to every daughter of God." The Lord doesn't let us choose the timing or duration of when we become/are a physical mother, but it's out of love. He knows us, and He knows what our families need. Trust Him, as hard as it may be. And mother and minister to every child you can.

Anyways this was a little everywhere and didn't really have a focus point. Motherhood and fatherhood are powerful and important callings that enable us to learn more about and become more like the Savior. Families are the best and I could go on about it for days and suggest countless talks for you to read so if you ever wanna talk about it let me know haha. The family truly is ordained of God. I'm thankful for our Heavenly Parents and I can't imagine the love they have for us. I'm thankful that their plan for us includes us creating our own families here on the earth.


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