lots of new.
Hi there! I always want to write posts and have so many ideas, but so often I struggle converting all my thoughts and feelings into written words.
Life has been hard lately. A good hard, a growing hard, but hard nonetheless. There's been so many new things. A new year. A new state. A new home. A new season of life. As someone who likes routine and familiarity, it's been a lot. It can be easy for me to get overwhelmed. Often I feel like Rupunzel on the Disney movie when she is running away from her tower. One minute she is so excited and then she's crying the next.
I've always wanted to live somewhere small. St John's is definitely small. There's things I like and things that will take time to adjust to. I love that there's no traffic. It's truly beautiful. I love our little white house we're renting. I love the history and the feeling of a tight knit community. I'm grateful Bryce's family lives close by. I have no clue how people move places where they don't know a soul. That'd take guts. Some hard parts are that there's not a good grocery store, having to switch OBGYN's so late in my pregnancy and really just adjusting to a new role here.
I've always been a bit of a busy bee. I like getting things done and I feel empowered when I accomplish things. I took this semester off since we're expecting our little guy in March, and I'm not planning on working since it's only about 2 and a half months til he comes! So right now I have a real lack of routine or deadlines. I feel a little lost and without a defined purpose. I spent most the week watching TV and learning to knit. Which I really enjoyed other than the little voice in the back of my head telling me to do something "productive."
I'm learning and growing a lot. Like how we aren't defined by labels and roles such as "a student" or "kindergarten aid". How our worth isn't based on what we accomplish or checking off lots of to dos. Anyways after some more adjusting time, I think things are gonna be just grand here. I'm grateful for all the support and calls/texts I've gotten from sweet friends and family. I am truly blessed.
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