Hellooooo December!
I've always been one to do Christmas prep and decorating after Thanksgiving, but this year I was just so ready. On Wednesday we went out, picked a tree and my sweet husband strapped it on the car and home we came. It's our first Christmas as a married couple so it's been fun to do things together. I'm so excited for the rest of this month and all the things in store.
Thanksgiving was good. We had it at my parents house and celebrated with eating all the traditional foods. We visited, watched an old movie, and played "Cover Your Assets." If you haven't played it, you should give it a try. I almost never win but I think it's fun.
-Baby boy is 24 weeks now. Time is going fast and slow at the same time. I'm so excited to be a momma, but it's also good to cherish these moments. Something I realized the other day is that Bryce and I won't be at this stage again for a long time, when it's just us. So I'm trying to cherish just how much time we do get to spend together now, but it'll be just as fun when we have another member of the family.
-3 more weeks of school!! HALLELUJAH. I'm not really sure why I thought going to school year round would be a good idea.
-This week really wasn't filled with too much. Just normal life things plus some holiday fun and decorating.
Something I enjoyed in my gospel studies this week is how it connects to what I'm learning in my family advocacy class. The class is all about the family, and defending the family as defined by God on different levels such as on a community level or on a national level. My studies in the Book of Mormon have been around Alma 48- 58, and I'm still going. Long story short, the people are fighting to protect their homes, their family and their religion. This is a battle that we are fighting as a people today. I've loved the emphasis on preparation, trust and following the guidance of the Lord. These are things that are still so important in advocating for our faith and family today. Anyways I love this class so I could go on and on, so if you want to know more feel free to ask me about it.
My dad took all the Thanksgiving pictures so hopefully I can get some from him.
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