Catch Up
Hello! Life has been crazy busy, but crazy good. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who has put such good people and good things in my path. As always, I don't write as often as I wish I did, so I have quite a bit of random things to share. I decided I'm going to try to post at least once a week and give an update on how that week went and some things I've learned, kinda like the group emails I sent when I was a full time missionary. Anyways here's the weekly update and news!
- We are moving to Arizona! Bryce got offered a job in his tiny hometown of St. John's so we'll be headed out at the start of the New Year. I'm sad not to be close to my family, especially with the baby coming, but I am so excited for this chance to live the small town dream! We have a lot of things to do to get ready for the move so the next few months will be a whirlwind.
- I got to babysit the cutest twin babies this week! They have these little walkers that they use to run around the house and they look like little bumper cars. It made me so excited for our baby boy to come in March. I'm at 22 weeks now! Time is going slow and fast at the same time. At least I have a little bump now so it feels a little more real.
- I got frozen yogurt with one of my best friends, her sister and her sweet little boy. We had a talk about motherhood that was much needed. We live in such a consumer world. I feel like society tells young moms they have to have ALL the things for their baby and not only do they need it all, they need the most expensive, biggest and best things. It was good to talk about how babies needs are pretty basic, and we don't have to keep up with the Joneses. One of a child's greatest needs is really a mother's love, care and time. (One of my favorite books has the best quotes on motherhood and womanhood!)
- I cut my hair! I go through stages where I chop my hair and donate it and then I grow it long and keep it that way a while before I chop it again. One of my mission companions, Sister Hacking, is a hairdresser. Appropriate name huh? So she was able to cut it for me and it was so fun to catch up with her.
- I did get social media again, but I'm trying to be really good about not wasting time on it. I missed seeing pictures of friends and family, and with the move to AZ I want to make sure I stay connected with everyone.
- I have a bunch of friends getting married so I've been busy with bridal and bachelorette parties. It's fun to watch friends transition to new stages of life. I got my first pedicure so that was fun! I liked listening to all the workers talking with each other and seeing how fast they go.
- Other than that I've been trying to stay caught up on school, work and relationships! Life is busy but it is good.
Something that really stood out to me in my scripture study this week was Alma 43:49-50. In this chapter the Nephites are fighting to protect their family, liberty and faith. These verses taught me that when we cry unto the Lord, we will begin to stand with power. I like when the scriptures use the term cry for prayer. Sometimes my prayers are not as meaningful or as heartfelt as they could/should be. But when I really cry to my God, when I speak to Him from my heart about things that are important to me, those are the moments that I begin to access and stand with His power.
One thing I miss the most about my mission is having gospel discussions so often! I'd love it if you let me know what you're learning from your studies or what experiences you are having. I think this is enough catch up for one week, Happy Sunday! I wish I had more pictures to go along with my week, but I've been horrible at taking them. Here's a few though!
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