A Day of Rest

I know it's General Conference weekend now, and there's so many amazing things I could share from that but I started this post last Sunday and never finished it because I wanted to polish or perfect it. But I realized it doesn't have to be perfect so here it is, perfectly imperfect and a week late.

I mentioned this a bit in my last post, but boy oh boy have I been busy! My online classes have been so time consuming. This semester I'm taking Family Theory & Dynamics, another psychology class, Parenting, Family Advocacy & Policy and Personal Achievement. Other than school we've been putting our new place together, we love it! We finally got our couch and chair this week and put some things up on the walls.

I am grateful for Sundays. I've always been pretty appreciative of the Sabbath Day, but I find it's in the busy times of life that they bring the most relief. I am thankful for my Savior. I love His constancy. I haven't quite been home from my mission a year. I love my life at home, but there are some aspects about the mission that I miss. Mostly I miss speaking of the Savior and bearing testimony of Him so frequently.

I have friends who are wonderful at bringing up the Savior. For me, it's definitely something I want to work at. I loved the 2018 Women's session of conference! I go back to it so often. Those talks resonate so deeply with my mind and heart. President Nelson gave this invitation during the session, "Be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends. You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen." I wish I had been better about doing this, I guess the good thing is that I can start now. Remembering, speaking of, and testifying of the Savior bring me so much joy. My love for Him grows, and I feel more distinctly His love for me.

Testimony meeting at church was short today. There were two beautiful baby blessings. So I'd like to bear my testimony now. I know I am a daughter of Heavenly Parents who love me and I love Them. That knowledge is foundational in my life. I know the family is ordained of God. Though Satan may try to destroy, redefine or belittle the family, the doctrine of the Lord on family will never change. He loves our families. He created a whole plan centered on them. I love how the prophet emphasizes that exaltation is a family matter. God wants our families to be together forever. That's why He sacrificed His only Begotten Son for us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is truly Christ's church. I know it. I love my Savior and I am thankful for His sacrifice and His constant devotion to me. I say these things in His name, amen.
