(Almost) A Year Later

I wish I blogged way more than I do! I just get really worried about people liking what I write which is funny because I never used to care about things like that. Plus my laptop is old and I don’t like dragging it out and the phone app isn’t my favorite, but excuses, excuses! I’m posting now and that counts! Even if it’s almost been a year since my last post, ha.

September was a fun, busy month! 
  • We visited friends at their family cabin in Mt. Graham. We’ve been trying to get together with them since we moved to the Tucson area so that was so good to finally catch up! 
  • We made a trip back up to St John’s for the county fair. The kids liked the animals and I liked the band and cotton candy. 
  • Millie is so close to walking and will be 1 next month!! I feel like I just had her so that’s nuts!
  • Alan is a full blown toddler and any and all tips would be appreciated. He recently discovered he can open bathroom door stalls so that’s been fun trying to get him to stay in the stall and close the door while I try to hold Millie on my lap and go about my business. 
  • Bryce has been working hard as the manager of the Stotz Tucson store. We love their values and it’s been fun watching him grow in his leadership skills. He’s been able to do extra continuous improvement events which is so fun because that’s a passion of his. 
  • I hung up a shelf with Molly Screws for the first time! I measured wrong… and had to use 5 screws instead of 2 so basically I can never take that shelf down now haha. Also not even sure if that’s the right name of screw I actually used. 
  • I’m impatiently waiting for Fall. We moved in May so all we’ve ever known here is the heat and I’m so excited for it to cool down and go on more walks and to parks without melting. We’ve been trying to get out into the backyard more for now and that’s been good. I planted some new flowers which I hope will make it. I’m not so sure about desert gardening yet. 
  • Me and the kiddos got sick and that was a bummer but we made it through with way too much movie time and we may need an intervention now haha. 
  • We filled a pool up with sand for Alan and that’s been messy but also a great source of entertainment so we will take it! 
  • I love the scenery around where we live. The mountains remind me of growing up right next to Timp.
There were probably lots more things that happened in September but I honestly didn’t journal or take as many pictures as I usually do. Life has felt hard lately and I’m really just trying to learn how to take it gently and soak up the good moments. I’m going to try to start posting every Sunday even if it’s short so hold me to it! I need you to be my accountability partner haha.


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